Which Texas organization best illustrates the state's post-World War 2 change from an oil company to a diversified economy?

a. Apple Inc.
b. JPMorgan Chase &Co.
c. Texas Instruments
d. Whole Foods.

One says Texas and last I knew was into technology, not oil wells.

To determine which Texas organization best illustrates the state's post-World War 2 change from an oil company to a diversified economy, we can analyze the history and impact of each organization in the state.

a. Apple Inc.: While Apple Inc. is a global technology company and has a significant presence in Texas, it does not have a direct connection to the state's transition from an oil-focused economy to a diversified one. Thus, it is unlikely to be the best choice.

b. JPMorgan Chase & Co.: JPMorgan Chase & Co. is a multinational investment bank and financial services company that operates in Texas. While it diversified the state's economy by providing financial services, it does not represent the overall shift away from an oil-centric economy. Therefore, it may not be the best choice either.

c. Texas Instruments: Texas Instruments (TI) is a reputable technology company that played a crucial role in diversifying Texas' economy. Founded in Dallas in 1930, TI initially manufactured and sold oil drilling equipment but later transitioned into the electronics industry. TI's innovations paved the way for the development of modern technology, including integrated circuits and calculators. With its significant contributions to the technology sector, Texas Instruments is often regarded as a prime example of Texas' transition to a diversified economy.

d. Whole Foods: Whole Foods is a supermarket chain specializing in natural and organic foods. While Whole Foods has undoubtedly contributed to Texas' economy, it is not necessarily representative of the state's transformation away from an oil-focused economy.

Given the options provided, c. Texas Instruments is the organization that best represents Texas' post-World War 2 change from an oil company to a diversified economy.