Read each example and identify it as personification, a simile, or a metaphor.

Around this pleasant round face, her hair -- as yellow as a crow's foot -- curled in short ringlets. (p. 12)

A. personification

my answer is now changed into simlie. thanks writeacher

Look up those three devices here. Study the definitions and examples.

Then let me know what you decide.

nvm i was wrong with my answer, i looked the anwers over and i saw how i was wrong

Yes, it was incorrect. What did you finally decide on?


You're welcome.

To identify whether this sentence contains personification, a simile, or a metaphor, we need to understand the difference between these literary devices.

Personification: This is when non-human objects or concepts are given human characteristics or attributes.

Simile: This is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as."

Metaphor: This is a figure of speech that compares two different things without using "like" or "as." Instead, it asserts that one thing is another thing.

Now, let's look at the sentence: "Around this pleasant round face, her hair -- as yellow as a crow's foot -- curled in short ringlets."

In this sentence, the hair is being compared to a crow's foot, which means it is using a comparison between two different things. Since the sentence uses the word "as" to compare the hair to a crow's foot, it is an example of a simile.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. simile.