I need help ASAP!

In selection 2 what makes the man from johnstown furious?
A. Joe shows that his strength is no match for the Man from Johnstown.
B. Joe decides to enter the contest.
C. The crowd starts to cheer for Pete instead of the Man from Johnstown
D. The crowd begins to mimic and mock the Man from Johnstown~~

What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence?
A. Our soccer team
B. practices three times
C. a week~~
D. in the late afternoon

My answers are D. and C. Am i right?

I turned it in and both were right, they r both D.

Do not have "selection 2" and second question is D.

Selection 2 is, Joe Magarac and the Hunkietown Contest

Still don't have it.

For the first question, you correctly identified option D as the answer. In selection 2, the man from Johnstown becomes furious when the crowd begins to mimic and mock him.

As for the second question, you are also correct. The prepositional phrase in the sentence is C, "a week." A prepositional phrase includes a preposition and its object, and in this case, the preposition "a" is followed by the object "week." So "a week" functions as a prepositional phrase in this sentence.