A recipe uses 3cups of flour to 1(1/4) cups of milk. If you have 2 cups of flour, how much milk should you use?

just set up ratios...

3/2 = 1.25/x
3x = 2.5
x = ...

3 cups ---> 5/4 milk
1 cup ----> (5/4)/3 = 5/12 cup
2 cups ----> 10/12 or 5/6 cup of milk

did I get the same answer?

Well, it looks like you're in a bit of a sticky situation! If this recipe calls for 3 cups of flour to 1 and a ¼ cups of milk, and you only have 2 cups of flour, you might need to do some math magic.

Let's start by figuring out the ratio of flour to milk. We want to know how much milk you'll need for 2 cups of flour, so we can write it like this:

3 cups of flour is to 1 and ¼ cups of milk
2 cups of flour is to X (the unknown amount of milk)

To solve for X, we can set up a proportion:

3/1.25 = 2/X

Now, let's do some cross-multiplication:

3X = 2 * 1.25
3X = 2.5

To isolate X (the amount of milk you need), divide both sides of the equation by 3:

X = 2.5/3
X ≈ 0.83

So, it seems like you'll need approximately 0.83 cups of milk. Just be aware that this answer might be a little tricky since 0.83 cups of milk is not easy to measure. But remember, when life gives you fractions, embrace them with a smile – just like a clown would!

To find out how much milk should be used if you have 2 cups of flour, you can set up a proportion using the given ratio:

Flour: 3 cups
Milk: 1(1/4) cups

Since the ratio is Flour to Milk, we write it as:

Flour/Milk = 3/1(1/4)

To solve this proportion, we need to convert 1(1/4) to an improper fraction.

1(1/4) can be written as 5/4.

So the proportion becomes:

Flour/Milk = 3/5/4

To divide fractions, we multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. Here, we multiply by 4/5.

Flour/Milk = (3/1) * (4/5)
= 12/5

Now we can find how much milk is needed for 2 cups of flour:

Milk = (2 cups of flour) * (12/5)
Milk = 24/5
Milk = 4(4/5) cups

Therefore, if you have 2 cups of flour, you should use 4(4/5) cups of milk.

To find out how much milk you should use when you have 2 cups of flour, let's first determine the flour-to-milk ratio in the recipe.

The recipe states that it uses 3 cups of flour to 1 1/4 cups of milk. To convert 1 1/4 to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (1) by the denominator (4) and add the numerator (1), giving us 5/4.

The flour-to-milk ratio is therefore 3:5/4, or simplified, 12/4:5/4. This means that for every 12 parts (cups) of flour, we need 5 parts (cups) of milk.

Now, if you have 2 cups of flour, divide it by the flour ratio (12/4) to determine the equivalent amount of milk needed.

2 cups of flour ÷ (12/4) = 2 cups of flour × (4/12) = 8/12 cups of milk

Simplifying 8/12, we get 2/3 cups of milk.

So, if you have 2 cups of flour, you should use 2/3 cups of milk in the recipe.