James walk 2km away from home in 10 minutes. He then turns around and walk back home along the same path, also in 10 minutes.

Hope he had a nice walk but I wonder what the question is. If it is what is his displacement it is ZERO because the vector from his house to his house has zero length.

To find James's speed, we can use the formula:

Speed = distance / time.

1. Let's calculate James's speed when he walks away from home:

Distance = 2 km,
Time = 10 minutes.

Speed = Distance / Time
= 2 km / 10 minutes
= 0.2 km/minute.

Therefore, James's speed when walking away from home is 0.2 km/minute.

2. Now, let's calculate James's speed when he walks back home:

Distance = 2 km (since he walks back along the same path),
Time = 10 minutes.

Speed = Distance / Time
= 2 km / 10 minutes
= 0.2 km/minute.

Therefore, James's speed when walking back home is also 0.2 km/minute.

So, James walks at a speed of 0.2 km/minute both away from home and back home.

To solve this question, we need to determine James' average speed. We know that he walked a distance of 2km away from home and then returned back home along the same path. Let's break down the steps to find the average speed:

Step 1: Calculate James' total distance traveled.
James walked 2km away from home and then walked 2km back home. Therefore, his total distance traveled is 2km + 2km = 4km.

Step 2: Calculate James' total time taken.
James walked away from home for 10 minutes and then returned back home for another 10 minutes. Therefore, his total time taken is 10 minutes + 10 minutes = 20 minutes.

Step 3: Calculate James' average speed.
Average speed is defined as the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken. Therefore, the average speed of James can be calculated as 4km / 20 minutes = 0.2 km/minute.

Therefore, James' average speed is 0.2 km/minute.