I have to write a poetry analysis paper. I do not know how to start the first paragraph. Do I startwith telling the teacher what I'm writing on and then go into the different parts or should i take another approach?

I'll give you some of the best links I've found. The first ones are about writing introductions. The second set is about writing about poetry.



Let us know if you have further questions.


A good way to start an introductory paragraph is a sentence that will grab the reader's attention. Then go into the different parts.

This site has a good example and explanation of an introductory paragraph.


When writing the first paragraph of your poetry analysis paper, there are different approaches you can take. One approach is to start by grabbing the reader's attention or introducing a specific idea related to the poem you will be analyzing. This can be done through a thought-provoking question, a striking statement, or a brief anecdote. This opening sentence sets the tone for your analysis and engages the reader from the beginning.

After capturing the reader's attention, you can then transition into providing some context about the poem and its author. This can include information about the poet's background, the historical or cultural context in which the poem was written, or any other relevant details that help the reader understand the poem better.

Following the contextual information, you can mention the specific parts or elements of the poem that you will be focusing on in your analysis. This serves as a brief roadmap for the reader, highlighting what they can expect from your analysis.

To get a more in-depth understanding of how to write an effective introduction for your poetry analysis paper, you can refer to the links provided. These resources offer tips, examples, and explanations that can guide you in crafting an engaging introductory paragraph.

Remember, the introduction sets the stage for your analysis and should pique the reader's interest while providing necessary background information.