Read the following passage from Walk Two Moons.

It looked as if she wanted to creep up and surprise him, so I was quiet too and cautious in my steps. I could hardly keep from giggling. It seemed so daring to be sneaking up on my father, and I was sure my mother was going to throw her arms around him and kiss him and hug him and tell him how much she loved the flower on the kitchen table.

2.   Which of the following words best describes the mood the author created in this passage? (1 point)
pure delight
bold confidence ***
eager anticipation
contented satisfaction

I think there's a better answer.

then it's A: pure delight

I just finished and it was incorrect it was eager anticipation

Well, I've read that book, too, and I can see how both a and c can be correct.


To determine the mood created in this passage, we can analyze the words and phrases used by the author.

In this passage, the narrator describes the scene of someone wanting to surprise their father. The author mentions being quiet, cautious, and finding it daring to sneak up on their father. Additionally, there is a feeling of excitement from the narrator as they can hardly keep from giggling.

Based on these descriptions, the mood created in this passage can be best described as bold confidence. The narrator feels confident and excited about surprising their father, which adds a sense of boldness to the scene.
