A sweater regularly priced at $135 is on sale at 15% off. How much would you pay for the sweater, including taxes of 12%? (calculate the tax after discount).

135 * 0.85 * 1.12 = ____



To calculate the final price of the sweater, we first need to find the discounted price and then add the taxes.

Step 1: Calculate the discount on the sweater.
To find the discounted price, we multiply the regular price by the percentage discount. In this case, the discount is 15%.
Discount = (15/100) * $135
Discount = $20.25

Step 2: Calculate the sale price.
The sale price is the regular price minus the discount.
Sale Price = Regular Price - Discount
Sale Price = $135 - $20.25
Sale Price = $114.75

Step 3: Calculate the tax amount.
To find the tax amount, we multiply the sale price by the tax rate. In this case, the tax rate is 12%.
Tax Amount = (12/100) * $114.75
Tax Amount = $13.77 (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 4: Calculate the final price.
The final price is the sale price plus the tax amount.
Final Price = Sale Price + Tax Amount
Final Price = $114.75 + $13.77
Final Price = $128.52

Therefore, including taxes, you would pay $128.52 for the sweater.