Draw a flowchart to represent the algorithm that captures the marks and then evaluates and displays relevant grades according to the table above

To draw a flowchart representing the algorithm, you can follow these steps:

1. Start: Begin the flowchart.
2. Input: Ask the user to enter the marks.
3. Process: Evaluate the entered marks using the given grading table.
- Create a decision symbol (diamond shape) labeled "Marks >= 80".
- If the marks are greater than or equal to 80, connect the "Yes" arrow to the next step. Otherwise, connect the "No" arrow.
- If the marks are greater than or equal to 80, create a process symbol (rectangle shape) labeled "Grade = A".
- If the marks are between 60 and 79 (inclusive), create a decision symbol labeled "Marks >= 60".
- If the marks are greater than or equal to 60, create a process symbol labeled "Grade = B".
- If the marks are between 40 and 59 (inclusive), create a decision symbol labeled "Marks >= 40".
- If the marks are greater than or equal to 40, create a process symbol labeled "Grade = C".
- If the marks are less than 40, create a process symbol labeled "Grade = F".
4. Output: Display the evaluated grade.
5. End: Finish the flowchart.

Here's an example of what the flowchart could look like:

|Marks >= 80?|
/ \
/ \
YES / \ NO
/ \
_______V_ _V_______
| Grade = A | |END|
|____________| |___|

\ /
| Marks >= 60? |
/ \
/ \
YES / \ NO
/ \
______V___ ____V_____
| Grade = B | |Marks >= 40?|
|__________| |____|_|____|
/ \
/ \
YES / \ NO
/ \
_____V_____ ______V_____
| Grade = C | | Grade = F |
|__________| |_____________|

| END |

Please note that this is just one example of how the flowchart could be represented. The specific design and layout may vary depending on your preferred style or software used.