How do you translate " the quotient of a number increased by 13 and -7 is -4"

sounds like

(x+13)/-7 = -4

To translate the phrase "the quotient of a number increased by 13 and -7 is -4" into an equation, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Assign a variable to represent the unknown number. Let's use the variable "x".

Step 2: Translate "the quotient of a number increased by 13" into an equation. The word "increased" indicates addition, so you can write it as "x + 13".

Step 3: Translate "and -7" into an equation. The word "and" usually indicates addition or subtraction. In this case, it's subtraction because it is "increased by" and then "subtracted by" -7. So you can write it as "(x + 13) - 7".

Step 4: Translate "is" into an equal sign. So you can write it as "(x + 13) - 7 = -4".

So, the translated equation is:
(x + 13) - 7 = -4

To translate the given statement into an equation, let's break it down step by step:

1. "The quotient of a number increased by 13" can be represented as: (x + 13), where x represents the number.

2. "The quotient of a number increased by 13 and -7" can be represented as: (x + 13) / -7.

3. "The quotient of a number increased by 13 and -7 is -4" can be translated to the equation: (x + 13) / -7 = -4.

To solve this equation for x, follow these steps:

1. Multiply both sides of the equation by -7 to eliminate the denominator and obtain: x + 13 = -4 * -7.

2. Simplify the right side of the equation: x + 13 = 28.

3. Subtract 13 from both sides of the equation: x + 13 - 13 = 28 - 13.

4. Simplify the equation: x = 15.

Therefore, the translation of "the quotient of a number increased by 13 and -7 is -4" into an equation is (x + 13) / -7 = -4, and the solution is x = 15.