for -(-3 + 4) distribute the negative outside the parentheses to both the -3 and the 4

-(-3) = 3

-(4) = -4
so ...

When distributing a negative (-1) outside the parentheses, the signs switch or become opposite.

-1 x -3 = 3 since a negative x negative is always positive
-1 x 4 = -4

To distribute the negative sign outside the parentheses to both -3 and 4 in the expression -(-3 + 4), you need to apply the rule that states that the negative sign in front of the parentheses will change the sign of every term inside.

Let's break down the steps:

Step 1: Start with the original expression: -(-3 + 4)

Step 2: Apply the rule: Change the sign of every term inside the parentheses by multiplying by -1.
-(-3 + 4) = -(-3) + (-4)

Step 3: Simplify the expression:
-(-3) + (-4) = 3 + (-4)

Step 4: Compute the result: Add the numbers.
3 + (-4) = -1

Therefore, by distributing the negative sign outside the parentheses to both -3 and 4 in the expression -(-3 + 4), you get the result -1.