1.Read the quote below from a northern schoolteacher and use the information to help you answer the question. “Wishing to work where there was the most need – there are so many places where nothing has been done for the freedmen, and where they are sorely persecuted – we came here. A schoolhouse built by the soldiers had just been destroyed by the citizens. The feeling is intensely bitter against anything northern. The affairs of the Freedmen’s Bureau have been very much mismanaged, and our government has been disgraced by the troops who were stationed here.” What can you infer from the quote above?

1.Southern citizens appreciated the work being done by this schoolteacher.

2.The Freedman’s Bureau was succeeding its goals of furthering education.

3.The local citizens did not support the building of the school house.**

4.Northern soldiers got along well with the local citizens of the South.

2.What was Lincoln’s main goal for Reconstruction after the war ended?

1.The bring the nation back together as quickly as possible.
2.To occupy the South with troops to prevent further conflict.
3.To protect the rights of newly freed African Americans.**
4.To punish the South for leaving the Union.

3.Why were Radical Republicans outraged by President Johnson’s approach to Reconstruction? Select 2
1.They felt Johnson’s Reconstruction plan had encouraged southern legislatures to pass black codes.**
2.They were upset because they felt it was too harsh and went against Lincoln’s call for amnesty.
3.They felt the plan did not go far enough to forgive former Confederate leaders
4.They were mad because Johnson’s Reconstruction plan put too much power in the hands of former Confederate leaders.**
My answers are 1.(3) 2.(3) 3.(1,4) am i right?

yea your right

I need to help what is your advice I'm trying to answer a passage and answer something back so can you help me

For question 1, your answer is correct. The quote suggests that the local citizens did not support the building of the schoolhouse, as it had been destroyed by them and there is bitterness against anything northern.

For question 2, your answer is correct. Lincoln's main goal for Reconstruction was to protect the rights of newly freed African Americans.

For question 3, your answers are correct. Radical Republicans were outraged by President Johnson's approach to Reconstruction because they felt that his plan had encouraged southern legislatures to pass black codes and put too much power in the hands of former Confederate leaders.

ight thx mate