Which is one negative consequence of the Spanish colonization of Middle America? *

New foods were brought to Middle America
New diseases were brought to Middle America.
New animals were brought to Middle America.

so what the answers?

what is it

nvm got it

Good job!

help i need help with this question

anybody have it yet?

One negative consequence of the Spanish colonization of Middle America was the introduction of new diseases to the region. To understand why this was a negative consequence, we need to delve into the historical context of the Spanish colonization.

During the 15th and 16th centuries, when the Spanish colonizers arrived in Middle America, the indigenous populations had no prior exposure to many diseases that were prevalent in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Consequently, they had not developed immunity to these diseases. As a result, when the Spanish arrived with their European diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza, the indigenous peoples of Middle America had no defense against them.

The lack of immunity among the native populations led to devastating outbreaks of these diseases. The diseases spread rapidly and decimated the indigenous communities across Middle America. It is estimated that millions of indigenous people died due to the introduction of these new diseases. The loss of life was not only tragic but also had long-lasting consequences for the social, cultural, and economic fabric of the region.

So, to recap, one negative consequence of the Spanish colonization of Middle America was the introduction of new diseases that the indigenous populations had no immunity to, resulting in widespread death and population decline.