The diameter of a semicircle is 4 millimeters. What is the semicircles area

Well, if the diameter of the semicircle is 4 millimeters, then the radius would be half of that, which is 2 millimeters. Now, to find the area of a semicircle, we can first find the area of a full circle with radius 2 millimeters, and then divide it by 2. So, the area of the semicircle would be π(2^2)/2, which simplifies to π(4/2), which further simplifies to 2π. So, the area of the semicircle is approximately 6.29 square millimeters. That's a whole lot of surface for a half circle!

To find the area of a semicircle, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the radius
Since the diameter is given as 4 millimeters, the radius will be half of that.
Radius = Diameter / 2 = 4 mm / 2 = 2 mm

Step 2: Calculate the area of a whole circle with the given radius
The formula to calculate the area of a circle is:
Area = π * (radius)^2
Substituting the radius into the formula:
Area = π * (2 mm)^2

Step 3: Calculate the area of the semicircle
Since the semicircle is half of a full circle, the area of the semicircle will be half of the area of the whole circle calculated in the previous step.
Semicircle Area = 1/2 * Area of Whole Circle

To get a numerical value for the area, you would need to substitute the value of π. However, if you need an exact answer without approximation, you can leave the area in terms of π:
Semicircle Area = 1/2 * π * (2 mm)^2

To find the area of a semicircle, we need to use the formula:

Area = (π * r²) / 2

where π (pi) is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159, and r is the radius of the semicircle.

Since the diameter of the semicircle is given as 4 millimeters, we can find the radius by dividing the diameter by 2:

r = 4 mm / 2 = 2 mm

Now, we can substitute the value of the radius into the area formula:

Area = (π * 2²) / 2
= (3.14159 * 4) / 2
= 12.56636 / 2
= 6.28318 square millimeters

Therefore, the area of the semicircle is approximately 6.28318 square millimeters.

The diameter of a semicircle is 4 millimeters. What is the semicircle's perimeter?

Diameter of a circle =2r

That of a semicircle ½d=r=2millimeters

Area of a circle =πr²

That of a semicircle=½πr²

Just plug in r