what impact did the novel have on you as a reader? would you recommend the novel to a friend? why or why not? Support your response with at least 2 pieces of evidence from the novel.

the novel is dragonwings

If your gonna respond @writeacher

make it useful.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or emotions, so I can't provide a personal account of the impact a novel has on a reader. However, I can definitely help you analyze the potential impact of the novel "Dragonwings" on a reader and provide you with evidence from the novel that you can use to support your recommendation to a friend.

"Dragonwings" is a historical fiction novel written by Laurence Yep. The story follows a young Chinese boy named Moon Shadow who immigrates to San Francisco's Chinatown during the early 20th century. Here are two pieces of evidence from the novel that you can consider to support your recommendation:

1. Exploration of the immigrant experience: "Dragonwings" delves into the challenges and triumphs of the immigrant experience, particularly for Chinese immigrants during a time of racial discrimination and cultural clashes. This exploration of the immigrant experience can resonate with readers who have their own immigrant backgrounds or can create empathy and understanding for those who haven't. For example, Moon Shadow encounters prejudice, struggles to adapt to a new culture, and experiences feelings of homesickness. These themes can help readers appreciate the struggles faced by immigrants and gain insight into their experiences.

2. Themes of perseverance and resilience: Throughout the novel, the author emphasizes the themes of perseverance and resilience. Moon Shadow's determination to pursue his dreams, despite the obstacles he faces, can be inspiring for readers. For instance, Moon Shadow's relationship with his father, Windrider, demonstrates the strength of their bond and their shared goal of building a flying machine. This determination and perseverance can encourage readers to pursue their own goals and dreams, even when faced with hardships or adversity.

By using these pieces of evidence, you can support your recommendation to a friend. If they are interested in exploring the immigrant experience or admire stories of perseverance and resilience, then "Dragonwings" would be a suitable novel for them. However, keep in mind that individual preferences vary, so it is essential to consider your friend's interests and reading preferences before making a final recommendation.

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