Find the distance between two cities on a map if the scale used is 12 in. = 20 mi. and the cities are 55 miles apart. Give answer in decimal form.

To find the distance between two cities on a map, we can use the given scale.

The scale indicates that 12 inches on the map represent 20 miles in reality.

We know that the cities are 55 miles apart in reality, so we can set up a proportion to find the distance on the map.

Let x represent the distance between the cities on the map:

12 inches / 20 miles = x inches / 55 miles

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

(12 inches) * (55 miles) = (20 miles) * (x inches)

660 inches = 20x

To find x, we divide both sides by 20:

x = 660 inches / 20

x = 33 inches

Therefore, the distance between the two cities on the map is 33 inches.

To find the distance between the two cities on a map using a given scale, you can use the formula:

Distance on Map = Actual Distance / Scale

In this case, the given scale is 12 inches = 20 miles, and the actual distance between the cities is 55 miles. Let's calculate the distance on the map:

Distance on Map = 55 miles / (20 miles/12 inches)

First, we need to convert the scale to the same unit as the actual distance. We can do this by converting the 20 miles to inches:

Scale = 12 inches / (20 miles/1 mile)
= 12 inches / 20
= 0.6 inches / mile

Now we can calculate the distance on the map:

Distance on Map = 55 miles / 0.6 inches per mile
≈ 91.67 inches

Therefore, the distance between the two cities on the map is approximately 91.67 inches.

12in. = 20mi.

Scale = 12/20 = 0.6 in./mi.
0.6in./mi. * 55mi. = ___ in.

(55 / 20) * 12 = ?