what action did the first continental congress take to show its disapproval of english policies

Thanks bro I got it wrong, They boycotted British goods don't listen to that link.

The first Continental Congress, held in 1774, was convened by delegates from twelve of the thirteen American colonies to address the grievances they had against British policies. To express their disapproval, the Continental Congress took several significant actions:

1. Issued the Continental Association: The Congress established the Continental Association, which called for a complete boycott of British goods and exports. This was aimed at putting economic pressure on the British government and was a crucial step in coordinating colonial resistance.

2. Drafted the Declaration of Rights and Grievances: The Congress drafted a document known as the Declaration of Rights and Grievances. It outlined the colonists' rights as English citizens and listed their grievances against British policies, including taxation without representation and infringement of colonial self-government.

3. Supported non-importation and non-exportation: The Continental Congress urged the colonies to stop importing British goods and to cease exporting colonial products to Britain. This was another tactic to weaken the British economy and influence.

4. Established the Continental Congress Association: The delegates established a committee, known as the Continental Congress Association, to oversee the implementation and enforcement of the non-importation and non-exportation agreements.

5. Sent a petition to King George III: The Congress sent a petition, known as the "Olive Branch Petition," to King George III. It expressed the colonists' desire to resolve their differences peacefully and restore harmony between Britain and America.

These actions taken by the first Continental Congress demonstrated their collective disapproval of English policies and their commitment to resisting British control.
