Where did the Nazis carry out most of the murders that were the main part of a final solution?

A. in death camps
B. in slave labor camps
C. in ghetto
D. in Polish cities

I picked C was it right?

The Nazis carried out most of the murders that were part of the Final Solution in A. death camps. To understand this, we can look at historical information and accounts of the Holocaust.

The Final Solution was the Nazi regime's plan to systematically exterminate the Jewish population in Europe. This plan involved the mass murder of millions of people, primarily Jews, but also included other targeted groups such as Romani people, disabled individuals, and political opponents.

While the Nazis carried out their persecution and mass killings through various methods, the majority of the murders occurred in extermination or death camps. These camps were specifically designed and built with the purpose of industrialized killing.

Some of the most infamous death camps established by the Nazis were Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Sobibor, Chelmno, Belzec, and Majdanek. These camps were located in occupied territories, primarily in Poland and a few in other countries, where the majority of the Jewish population lived.

In these death camps, victims were transported to be systematically killed using methods such as gas chambers, mass shootings, and harsh living conditions leading to starvation and disease.

While slave labor camps and ghettos were also integral parts of the Nazi's persecution and control of targeted groups, the mass murders were primarily carried out in the death camps. These camps were specifically designed for the efficient and systematic extermination of a large number of people.

Therefore, the answer to the question is A. in death camps.

Someone will check your answer if you post it.