When the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, how is the Moon most likely seen?

New Moon

Full Moon

Half Moon

Quarter Moon

Incorrect the correct answer New moon

well, you see the dark half of the moon, so ...

When the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, it is most likely seen as a New Moon.

When the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, it is in a position where the side facing the Earth is not illuminated by the Sun. This means that the Moon appears dark or mostly invisible from Earth.

The phase of the Moon that corresponds to this positioning is called the New Moon.

To determine the answer to this question, you need to understand the relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun during a New Moon.

Here's how you can visualize it:

1. Draw the Earth in the center.
2. Draw the Moon on one side of the Earth (either to the right or left).
3. Draw the Sun on the opposite side of the Earth from the Moon.
4. Now, notice that the side of the Moon facing the Earth is not receiving any light from the Sun. It is in shadow.
5. This indicates that during this phase, the Moon appears as a dark circle or a very thin crescent, and is therefore most likely seen as a New Moon.

So, the correct answer is:

A) New Moon.