A number cube has sides labeled 1 to 6. Tess rolls the number cube 30 times. How many times can she expect to roll a number less than 5?

i need help

is that a division sign ?

To find out how many times Tess can expect to roll a number less than 5, we need to determine the probability of rolling a number less than 5 on any given roll, and then multiply that probability by the number of rolls Tess will make.

The number cube has 6 sides labeled 1 to 6, and Tess will roll it 30 times. We want to know the number of times she can expect to roll a number less than 5, which means we need to find the probability of rolling a number less than 5.

There are 4 sides labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4 that are less than 5, out of a total of 6 sides. Hence, the probability of rolling a number less than 5 on any given roll is 4/6 or 2/3.

To calculate the expected number of times Tess can roll a number less than 5, we multiply the probability (2/3) by the number of rolls (30):

Expected number of times = Probability * Number of rolls
Expected number of times = (2/3) * 30

By multiplying (2/3) by 30, we get the answer:

Expected number of times = 20

Therefore, Tess can expect to roll a number less than 5 approximately 20 times.

there are four sides that are less than 5

each side is expected to come up 1/6 of the time

4/6 * 30 = ?