After a slow trip across town, they arrived at a tall brick house with a red front door. Inside, Aunt Mabel exclaimed, “Better late than never!” upon seeing them. Then she briskly steered Hattie into the warm front room, where Hattie was very happy to accept the welcoming arms of a big, soft armchair. She tried answering her aunt’s questions but could not help yawning. Seeing that Hattie was completely exhausted, Aunt Mabel suggested an early bedtime and led her upstairs to show her around.

How does the author’s use of imagery and personification add to the passage? Use details from the paragraph to support your answer.


The author's use of imagery and personification adds depth and richness to the passage by creating vivid mental pictures and bringing inanimate objects to life.

First, the imagery in the description of the tall brick house with a red front door helps to paint a picture in the reader's mind. The use of colors, such as "red front door," adds a visual element and creates a sense of warmth and comfort. This imagery makes the house feel inviting, which sets the tone for the welcoming atmosphere that Aunt Mabel creates.

Next, the personification of the big, soft armchair adds a sense of coziness and comfort to the scene. By describing the chair as having "welcoming arms," the author attributes human characteristics to an object, making it seem more inviting and appealing. This personification helps to build an emotional connection between the reader and the armchair, allowing the reader to relate to Hattie's exhaustion and desire for rest.

Additionally, the author's use of personification in Aunt Mabel's statement, "Better late than never!" adds a touch of playfulness and humor to the passage. By giving a phrase typically used by people to express their patience or acceptance, the author creates a character in Aunt Mabel who seems lively and responsive. This personification adds depth to the character of Aunt Mabel and makes her interaction with Hattie more engaging.

Overall, the author's use of imagery and personification in this passage helps to create a vivid and engaging scene, appealing to the reader's senses and emotions.

yall stupid

what answer

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Read about imagery and personification here to get ideas: