The speaker in "The Road Not Taken" is most clearly which type of person?

A person who made a decision.
A person who likes a well-beaten path.
A person now standing at a fork.
A person lost in the woods***

Please read the poem — out loud would be best. Then re-think your answer.

To determine the type of person the speaker in "The Road Not Taken" is, let's dive into the poem by Robert Frost and examine the context.

"The Road Not Taken" describes a person who finds themselves standing at a fork in the road. They are faced with a decision, and both paths appear to be equally appealing and unexplored.

The speaker expresses their dilemma of choosing between the two paths, but ultimately chooses the less traveled path, stating that it has made all the difference in their life.

Based on this, the speaker can be identified as a person who has made a decision. They are in a moment of reflection, looking back on the choice they made and speculating how it has shaped their life.

Therefore, the answer is: A person who made a decision.