Which are true of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

Select all that apply.
It is made up of tiny bits of plastic.**
It is possibly twice the size of the continental United States. **
It is made up mostly of glass and metal from industrial waste.**
It is spread out over different regions of the Pacific Ocean.


Let us know if you change your mind.

To determine which statements about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch are true, we need to verify each one.

1. It is made up of tiny bits of plastic.
To confirm this statement, we can conduct a search using a reliable search engine like Google. Type in "What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch made of?" and review the search results. Most sources will confirm that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is primarily composed of tiny bits of plastic. Therefore, this statement is likely true.

2. It is possibly twice the size of the continental United States.
To confirm this statement, we can again conduct a search using a reliable search engine like Google. Type in "Size of Great Pacific Garbage Patch" and review the search results. Sources such as National Geographic and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) estimate the size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to be around 1.6 million square kilometers (twice the size of Texas or three times the size of France), which is roughly comparable to the size of the continental United States. Therefore, this statement is likely true.

3. It is made up mostly of glass and metal from industrial waste.
To verify this statement, we can conduct another search using the same reliable search engine. Type in "Composition of Great Pacific Garbage Patch" and review the search results. Multiple sources, including reputable scientific organizations and environmental websites, consistently state that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is mostly composed of plastic debris, not glass and metal. Therefore, this statement is likely false.

4. It is spread out over different regions of the Pacific Ocean.
To verify this statement, we can conduct a search using the same reliable search engine. Type in "Distribution of Great Pacific Garbage Patch" and review the search results. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is not a stationary island, but rather an area of concentrated marine debris that is influenced by ocean currents. It is spread out over different regions of the Pacific Ocean but with higher concentrations in specific areas, such as between California and Hawaii. Therefore, this statement is likely true.

Based on the information gathered, the true statements about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch are:

- It is made up of tiny bits of plastic.
- It is possibly twice the size of the continental United States.
- It is spread out over different regions of the Pacific Ocean.

The statement, "It is made up mostly of glass and metal from industrial waste," is false.