Which of the following sentences contains an apostrophe error?

Group of answer choices

A. She said the watch Jack found was hers.

B. The dogs bark was worse than its bite.

C. The men’s clothing department is on the second floor.

D. All of these.

E. None of these.

Apostrophes are mainly used in English to indicate possession or missing letters. Is there anything in a sentence there that needs an apostrophe for one of those reasons?

You should have gotten B.

To determine which sentence contains an apostrophe error, we need to identify the purpose of apostrophes and analyze each sentence to see if they are used correctly.

Apostrophes serve two main purposes: to indicate the possessive form of a noun and to indicate the omission of letters in contractions.

Let's analyze each sentence:

A. "She said the watch Jack found was hers."
This sentence uses the apostrophe correctly to indicate possession. It does not contain an apostrophe error.

B. "The dogs bark was worse than its bite."
This sentence does not use an apostrophe to indicate possession correctly. The possessive form of "dogs" should be "dog's" since it refers to the bark of a specific dog. Therefore, this sentence contains an apostrophe error.

C. "The men’s clothing department is on the second floor."
This sentence uses an apostrophe correctly to indicate possession. It does not contain an apostrophe error.

D. "All of these."
This choice seems to suggest that all of the given sentences contain apostrophe errors. However, we have already determined that only option B contains an error. Therefore, this choice is incorrect.

E. "None of these."
This choice suggests that none of the given sentences contain apostrophe errors. However, we have determined that option B contains an error. Therefore, this choice is also incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. "The dogs bark was worse than its bite."