Cultural diversity of immigrants from other countries in Mexico city and another city

Already answered -- yesterday and today.

To find information about the cultural diversity of immigrants from other countries in Mexico City and another city, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search on a reliable search engine like Google.
2. Enter relevant keywords, such as "cultural diversity of immigrants in Mexico City" or "culture of immigrants in [name of the other city]."
3. Look for reputable sources such as government websites, research papers, or news articles that provide information on the topic.
4. Visit these sources and carefully read through the information provided.
5. Make note of any key points or statistics regarding the cultural diversity of immigrants in both cities.
6. Compare the information obtained from different sources to get a comprehensive understanding of the cultural diversity of immigrants in Mexico City and the other city.
7. Additionally, you can check if there are any official reports or publications released by the local government or immigration agencies in Mexico City or the other city that provide insights into immigrant cultures and demographics.
8. You can also consider reaching out to academic institutions, cultural centers, or immigrant support organizations in both cities to gather further information on cultural diversity.

In regards to the Jiskha website link you mentioned, it appears to be a Q&A website where users can ask and receive answers to various questions. While it may contain information related to the cultural diversity of immigrants in Mexico City and other cities, the specific link you provided is not accessible or related to this topic. Therefore, following the steps outlined above is recommended for finding accurate and updated information on this subject.