I am an odd number.

I am less than 15.
The sum of my digits is 4.
I am a prime number.

the odd primes less than 15 are

so, what do you think?

The secret is:

++++ I am a prime number. +++
3 nope
5 nope
7 nope
11 nope
13 well 1+3 = ?????

To find the answer, we need to identify a prime number that meets all the given conditions: being odd, less than 15, and having a digit sum of 4.

Let's start by listing the odd numbers less than 15: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.

Now, we need to check their digit sums. The digit sum of a number is obtained by adding up all its digits. Let's calculate the digit sum of each number:

1: digit sum = 1
3: digit sum = 3
5: digit sum = 5
7: digit sum = 7
9: digit sum = 9
11: digit sum = 1 + 1 = 2
13: digit sum = 1 + 3 = 4

We have found a number, 13, that satisfies all the given conditions. So, the answer is 13.