Which+two+large+cities+experienced+rapid+growth+in+recent+years?A.Sao+Paulo+and+New+York B.Sao+Paulo+and+Tokyo+C.+Jakarta+and+London+D.+Jakarta+Sao+Paulo

The two large cities that have experienced rapid growth in recent years are Sao Paulo and Jakarta.

To find this answer, you can start by gathering data about the population growth of various cities. There are several credible sources available online, such as the United Nations' World Urbanization Prospects or the World Bank's World Development Indicators. These sources provide extensive data on population growth and urbanization trends.

Once you have accessed these sources, you can search for the population growth rates of different cities over the desired time period. Look for data that covers recent years to identify cities that have experienced significant growth.

By comparing the growth rates of different cities, you can identify which ones have experienced rapid growth. In this case, Sao Paulo and Jakarta have both had notable increases in population in recent years, making them the correct answer.