To determine how many Electoral College votes a state has, which of the following would you need to know?

a. The number of Democratic and Republican voters in that state
b. The state's population and the number of registered voters in that state
c. The number of votes cast by the citizens of that state for each of the candidates
d. The number of seats the state has in the House of Representatives and the Senate

Not B.

Please read the entire first paragraph on that linked page.

I got the answer it is d


b. The state's population and the number of registered voters in that state. sorry i am new to this website

is that right?

am i correct

I read your article and it said that it is based on the census so B is correct

can u check my work?

To determine how many Electoral College votes a state has, you would need to know option d: the number of seats the state has in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors, and each state is allocated a certain number of electors based on their representation in Congress. This representation is determined by the number of seats a state has in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The House of Representatives has a fixed number of seats (435), with each state being allocated a number of seats based on its population. On the other hand, the Senate has a fixed number of seats (100), with each state being allocated two seats regardless of its population.

By adding the number of seats a state has in the House of Representatives (which varies based on population) and the two seats it has in the Senate (which are constant), you can determine the total number of Electoral College votes a state has.

It is important to note that this method does not involve options a, b, or c. While those factors may affect the outcome of elections in a state, they are not directly related to the allocation of Electoral College votes.

Please read the link I gave you.

I’ll be glad to check your answer.