During the COVID-19 two brothers Jose and Alwin work at Chick-Fil-A. They live 2 miles away from Chick-Fil-A. Monday Jose walked at a constant rate to work for 30 minutes.

What is Jose`s walking rate in miles per hour? Explain.
Alwin slept in and had to run at a constant rate to work. He got to work in 15 minutes.
What is Alwin`s running rate in miles per hour?
Compare their rates.
How many minutes later than Jose can Alwin leave so that they get to work at the same time?
please help

Distance = rate x time

so r = d/t
for Jose, r = 2 hrs/.5 hours
= 4 m/h

Do the same or Alwin, you should be able to put it all together after that

chick fil a is so frickin good brooo its the Lord's chicken yumm

To calculate Jose's walking rate in miles per hour, we need to convert minutes to hours. Since Jose walked for 30 minutes, we divide 30 by 60 to get the time in hours: 30/60 = 0.5 hours.

Now, we can calculate Jose's walking rate in miles per hour by dividing the distance he walked (2 miles) by the time it took (0.5 hours): 2/0.5 = 4 miles per hour.

Therefore, Jose's walking rate is 4 miles per hour.

To calculate Alwin's running rate in miles per hour, we follow a similar process. Alwin ran for 15 minutes, which converts to 15/60 = 0.25 hours.

Using the same formula as before, we divide the distance Alwin traveled (2 miles) by the time it took (0.25 hours): 2/0.25 = 8 miles per hour.

So Alwin's running rate is 8 miles per hour.

Comparing their rates, we can see that Alwin's running rate (8 mph) is higher than Jose's walking rate (4 mph).

To find out how many minutes later than Jose Alwin can leave so that they both get to work at the same time, we need to consider the time it takes for Jose to walk to work.

Since Jose's walking rate is 4 miles per hour, it will take him 2 / 4 = 0.5 hours (or 30 minutes) to reach work.

To calculate the time difference, we subtract Jose's walking time from Alwin's running time: 0.5 - 0.25 = 0.25 hours (or 15 minutes).

Therefore, Alwin can leave 15 minutes later than Jose, and they will both arrive at work at the same time.