PETER. I used to see you . . . sometimes . . .

ANNE. You did?

PETER. . . . In the school yard. You were always in the middle of a bunch of kids.

ANNE. Why didn't you ever come over?

PETER. I'm sort of a lone wolf.
Use the dialogue to answer the question.
What can you infer from this dialogue from The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I?
A. Anne is friendly only with her own crowd and ignores everyone else.
B. Peter likes animals.
C. Anne is outgoing, and Peter is shy.
D. Peter thinks he is too good to socialize with others.
I think it's c but if not it is A

Alrighty. Thank you so much Writeacher! You saved me again!

C is correct.

(Definitely not A!)

You're welcome!

Based on the dialogue from The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I, the correct inference is C. Anne is outgoing, and Peter is shy.

From Peter's statement, "I'm sort of a lone wolf," it can be inferred that Peter is introverted and prefers to spend time alone rather than being in the middle of a group of kids like Anne. This indicates that Peter is shy and not as outgoing as Anne.