ming was planning a trip to western samoa. Before going, she did some research and learned that the exchange rate is 6 Tala for 2$. How many Tala would she get if she exchanged 6$?

To find out how many Tala Ming would get if she exchanged 6$, we can set up a proportion using the given exchange rate.

The given exchange rate is 6 Tala for 2$. Let's set up the proportion:

6 Tala / 2$ = x Tala / 6$

To find the value of x (the number of Tala Ming would get for exchanging 6$), we can cross-multiply and solve for x.

2x = 6 * 6
2x = 36

To find the value of x, divide both sides of the equation by 2.

x = 36 / 2
x = 18

Therefore, if Ming exchanged 6$, she would get 18 Tala.

To find out how many Tala Ming would get if she exchanges $6, we need to use the exchange rate of 6 Tala for $2. Here's how you can calculate it:

Step 1: Find the exchange rate for $1.
- Since 6 Tala is equivalent to $2, we divide the Tala amount by the dollar amount: 6 Tala / $2 = 3 Tala/$.

Step 2: Multiply the exchange rate by the amount of dollars to be converted.
- The exchange rate is 3 Tala/$.
- Ming wants to exchange $6.
- Multiply the exchange rate by the dollar amount: 3 Tala/$ * $6 = 18 Tala.

Therefore, if Ming exchanges $6, she would get 18 Tala.

6$ is 3 times 2$ , so she'll get 3*6 Tala

Or, as they probably want a proportion, and the Tala-to-$ ratio is constant,
6/2 = x/6