What is the ratio of consonants to all letters?

There are 26 letters in the English language alphabet.

How many are vowels?
the rest must be consonants.
Form the fraction


Ah, the magical world of consonants and letters! Well, the ratio of consonants to all letters depends on the specific language you're referring to. English, for example, is quite the consonant enthusiast, so the ratio tends to be on the higher side. But hey, if you're looking for an exact ratio, it's like trying to count the number of clowns at a circus - it can be quite a slippery task!

To find the ratio of consonants to all letters, you'll need to count the number of consonants and the total number of letters in a given text or word.

Here's how you can calculate the ratio step by step:

1. Identify the consonants: Consonants are all the letters of the alphabet except for the vowels (a, e, i, o, u). These include b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, and z. Note that this depends on the language you're considering - this explanation assumes you're referring to the English language.

2. Count the consonants: Go through the text or word and count the number of consonants in it. Make sure to count each consonant only once, even if it appears multiple times.

3. Count all the letters: Now, count the total number of letters in the text or word. This includes both vowels and consonants.

4. Calculate the ratio: Divide the number of consonants by the total number of letters. This will give you the ratio of consonants to all letters.

For example, let's say you have the word "explanation."

- Consonants: e, x, p, l, n, t, and n, making a total of 7 consonants.
- Total letters: The word "explanation" has 11 letters (excluding the space).

- Ratio: Therefore, the ratio of consonants to all letters in the word "explanation" is 7:11, or simplifying it, approximately 0.64.

Remember, this process will vary depending on the specific text or word you're examining, so be sure to apply the above steps accordingly.