
differentiate and derivatives.

Which is a verb and which is a noun??


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We understand you just fine.

differentiate is a verb
derivative is the noun that results

Thanks you so much I understand you perfectly

Thank you write teacher...this was just running through my mind .....

I think I need to improve more on my having alot of problem expecially on how to identify a stress words the whole of oral English is a no go area for me...I see it in an exam anyword I pronounced the word they all sound the same.......

English is my greatest drop point

The word "differentiate" can function both as a verb and a noun, while the word "derivative" is primarily used as a noun.

As a verb, "differentiate" means to recognize or understand the distinct qualities or differences between things. For example, you can say "I can differentiate between the different species of birds."

As a noun, "differentiate" refers to the act or process of distinguishing or discerning differences. For example, you can say "The differentiation of cells is an important concept in biology."

On the other hand, "derivative" is mostly used as a noun. In the context of mathematics, a "derivative" is a measure of how a function changes as the input changes. It represents the rate of change of one quantity with respect to another. For example, in calculus, the derivative of a function f(x) is denoted by f'(x) or dy/dx.

So, to summarize, "differentiate" can be both a verb and a noun, while "derivative" is primarily used as a noun.