You can construct congruent triangles if you know which of the following?

the measures of two angles

the measures of three angles

the measures of two sides

the measures of three sides
Which angles are vertical angles in the figure shown? Select two answers.

The figure shows a line which intersects two lines one above the other at different points. In the point of intersection shown above, the angles formed above and below the intersection point are labeled as 6 and 7 respectively and the angles formed to the left and the right of the point of intersection are labeled as 5 and 8 respectively. In the point of intersection shown below, the angles formed above and below the point of intersection are labeled as 2 and 3 respectively and the angles formed to the left and right of the intersection point are labeled as 1 and 4 respectively.











Which describes a location in space?

a point

a line segment

a line

a plane
Determine if it is possible to form a triangle using the set of segments with the given measurements. Explain your reasoning.

7 in., 8.7 in, 15.4 in.
The drawing shown contains the intersection of two lines.

The figure shows the intersection of two lines. The angle formed above the intersection point is labeled as 2 and the angle formed below the intersection point is labeled as 1.

​The measure of

and the measure of



Write an equation to determine the measures of both angles.
Determine the measures of both angles. Show your work.
Which describes how to construct a duplicate angle?

Draw a starter ray; set the compass at length AB; place the compass at C; mark point D.

Draw a starter ray; locate point C on starter line; draw an arc with center at A that intersects both sides of the angle; using same radius, draw an arc with center C; label points B, D, and E; draw an arc with radius BD at center E; label intersection F; draw ray CF.

Draw a starter ray; duplicate the line segment on the ray; duplicate each angle using the two endpoints of the line segment as vertices of the angles; extend sides of angles.

Draw a starter ray; locate point C on starter line; set the compass at length AB; draw an arc with center C all the way around.
Ori drew the figure that he plans to engrave on a metal plate.

A horizontal ray is shown from the point Upper E towards right. Two points Upper F and Upper G are also labeled on this ray such that Upper F is labeled between Upper E and Upper G. Two more rays are shown from the point Upper E, one above the horizontal line and one below the horizontal line on which, points Upper A and Upper D are labeled respectively. A ray is shown from the point Upper F above the horizontal line in which another point Upper B is labeled. And two rays are shown from the point Upper G one above the horizontal line and one below the horizontal line on which points Upper C and Upper H are labeled respectively.

List all the rays in Ori’s figure.
The measure of

is 84°. Ray BD is the angle bisector of

. What is the measure of the marked angle?

The figure shows a ray UpperWord BD which is an angle bisector of angle UpperWord ABC. The measure of the angle UpperWord ABD is labeled as x degrees.

Angle V and angle W share a side and the sum of their measures is 180°. What do you know about these angles?

They are complementary angles.

They are congruent angles.

They are vertical angles.

They are supplementary angles.
Line segment AB is perpendicular to
. Ray BD bisects

. What is


Match the following items.

PlanePointLineRayLine Segment
The figure shows a line with an arrowhead at each of its end point.

double sided arrow

The figure shows three dots Upper A, Upper B, and Upper C on a quadrilateral.

double sided arrow

The figure shows two lines. An arrowhead is shown at one of ends of each line, and a dot is shown at the other end. One of the line is labeled as Upper S, and the other line is labeled as Upper R.

double sided arrow

The figure shows a line with no arrowhead and a circle is made at each of its end. One end is labeled as Upper A, and the other end is labeled as Upper B.

double sided arrow

The figure shows four dots labeled as Upper A, Upper B, Upper C, and Upper P.

double sided arrow

Use the figure to identify each pair of angles as complementary angles, supplementary angles, vertical angles, or none of these.

The figure shows a vertical line and three points Upper A, Upper P, and Upper E are labeled on it. From the point Upper P, a horizontal ray goes towards right and a point Upper C is labeled on it. A diagonal line also passes through Upper P. Two points, Upper D, and Upper B are shown on this diagonal line such that Upper P is between Upper D, and Upper B. Angle UpperWord APC is a right angle, and is labeled as 2, angle UpperWord CPB is labeled as 1, angle UpperWord BPE is labeled as 5, angle UpperWord EPD is labeled as 4, and angle UpperWord DPA is labeled as 3.

angles 1 and 5
angles 3 and 5
angles 3 and 4
Determine if the given side lengths could be used to form a unique triangle, many different triangles, or no triangles.

​4 m, 5.1 m, 12.5 m

unique triangle

many different triangles

no triangles
Determine if the given side lengths could be used to form a unique triangle, many different triangles, or no triangles.

​7.4 cm, 8.1 cm, 9.8 cm

unique triangle

many different triangles

no triangles
Analyze the given parts. State if the given information would create a unique triangle, multiple triangles, or no triangle. (You can use patty paper if needed.)

The figure shows a right angle, and two acute angles. The vertex of the right angle is labeled as Upper J, and the vertex of the two acute angles are labeled as Upper K, and Upper L respectively. Angle Upper K is smaller than angle Upper L.

This information results in a unique triangle.

This information could result in many different triangles.

This information results in no triangles.

anybody got the answers before I take the test? and if not where can I get them other than brainly because they don't help lmao

Uh I’m pretty sure this isn’t because you’re bored. Damon. If you’re supposed to be a teacher, good lord, do something.

full test for connexus students!!

1: D. the measures of three sides

2: B. 2 and 3
C. 5 and 8

3: A. A point

4: N/A

5: N/A

6: B. Draw a started ray; locate point C on starter line; draw an arc with center at A that intersects both sides of the angle; using small radius, draw and arc with center C; label points B, D, and E; draw an arc with radius BD at center E; label intersection F; draw ray CF

7: N/A

8: B. 46 degrees

9: D. They are supplementary angles.

10: B. 45 degrees

11: A. Line
B. Plane
C. Ray
D. Line Segment
E. Point

12: N/A

13: C. No triangles

14: A. unique triangle

15: B. This information could result in many different triangles.

yww <333

I think it’s d

A. the measures of two angles

To construct congruent triangles, you need to know the measures of three sides (D).

In the figure, the vertical angles are ∠1 and ∠2 (A).

A location in space is described as a point (A).

To determine if it is possible to form a triangle using the given set of segments, you can use the triangle inequality theorem. Add the lengths of any two sides of a triangle and compare it to the length of the remaining side. If the sum of the two shorter sides is greater than the length of the longest side, a triangle can be formed. In this case, 7 + 8.7 = 15.7, which is greater than 15.4. Therefore, it is possible to form a triangle (yes).

To determine the measures of both angles in the figure, you need to set up an equation using the given information. The equation would be: ∠1 = 20x + 21 and ∠2 = 30x - 29. You can solve this equation to find the values of x, and then substitute x back into the equations to find the measures of ∠1 and ∠2.

To construct a duplicate angle, you can use option B. Draw a starter ray and locate point C on the starter line. Draw an arc with center at A that intersects both sides of the angle. Using the same radius, draw an arc with center C. Label points B, D, and E. Draw an arc with radius BD at center E, then label the intersection F. Finally, draw ray CF.

The rays in Ori's figure are:
- Ray EF
- Ray EA
- Ray ED
- Ray EG
- Ray EC
- Ray EH

To find the measure of the marked angle in the figure, you know that angle ABD is bisected by ray BD. This means that the measure of angle ABC is double the measure of angle ABD. Since the measure of angle ABC is 84°, then the measure of angle ABD is 84°/2 = 42° (B).

If the sum of the measures of angle V and angle W is 180°, then they are supplementary angles (D).

If line segment AB is perpendicular to CB and ray BD bisects angle ABC, then angle DBC is a right angle (90°).

Plane - double-sided arrow
Point - no double-sided arrow
Line - double-sided arrow
Ray - no double-sided arrow
Line Segment - double-sided arrow

The pair of angles 1 and 5 are supplementary angles, since their measures add up to 180° (B).

The given side lengths 4m, 5.1m, and 12.5m cannot form a triangle. According to the triangle inequality theorem, the sum of the lengths of any two sides must be greater than the length of the third side. In this case, 4 + 5.1 = 9.1, which is less than 12.5. Therefore, no triangle can be formed (C).

The given side lengths 7.4cm, 8.1cm, and 9.8cm can form a unique triangle. According to the triangle inequality theorem, the sum of the lengths of any two sides must be greater than the length of the third side. In this case, 7.4 + 8.1 = 15.5, which is greater than 9.8. Therefore, a unique triangle can be formed (A).

The given information in the figure results in a unique triangle (A).

Two equal angles in two triangles mean the third is also equal because they add to 180. HOWEVER that proves they are SIMILAR, not congruent. They might be different sizes.

Three sides the same in each = congruent. (Side, Side, Side rule)

As for the rest - good grief! I am not that bored. Try some yourself.