newspaper reporter wants to know how popular the hobby of bird watching is in the city. He asked people at the local bird refuge if they watched birds as a hobby. Which of the following best explains whether the reporter's data is valid or not?

A. The data is valid for the entire city because the bird refuge is located in the city.
B. The data is not valid for the entire city because people can have more than one hobby.
C. The data is not valid for the entire city because bird watchers are more likely to visit a bird refuge.
D. The data is valid for the entire city because a bird refuge is a good place to find people who like to watch birds.
I think its c or d

Technically this is a statistics question. Generally statistics is taught in math; however, scientists get a taste of that too because their work is based on results that are statistically valid.

I think c is the best choice. I would have said the data were not valid because the city was not randomly sampled. Securing data from the bird refuge is not sampling the city.

honestly, this seems more as a science question more than a math question but I think its C. You want to know how many people in the city watch birds. The reporter's data is not valid because he's only surveyed bird watchers. He's ignored the 90% or so of the people who don't go to the bird refuge.

I'm not the best at math so any help would work

ok i will go with that

The correct answer is C. The data is not valid for the entire city because bird watchers are more likely to visit a bird refuge.

Explanation: While the bird refuge is located in the city, it does not represent the entire population of the city. People who visit the bird refuge are more likely to be interested in birds and bird watching as a hobby. This creates a bias in the data as it only includes individuals who have already shown a specific interest in bird watching. To obtain a more accurate representation of the popularity of bird watching in the city, the reporter would need to gather data from a more diverse set of sources, such as conducting surveys or interviews with a broader sample of the city's residents.

imagine not cheating and actually being smart totally not you 100%. totally not me 100%