practicar in Familiar Command

escribir i’m familiar command
escuchar in familiar command
let in familiar command
llegar temprano in familiar command

To form familiar commands (also called imperative) in Spanish, you need to follow specific rules based on the verb. Here are the conjugations for the verbs you mentioned in your question:

1. "Practicar" (to practice):
- Familiar command (tú): "Practica" (Practice)

2. "Escribir" (to write):
- Familiar command (tú): "Escribe" (Write)

3. "Escuchar" (to listen):
- Familiar command (tú): "Escucha" (Listen)

4. "Let" (Let):
In Spanish, we don't directly translate "let" into an imperative command. However, you can use "dejar" (to let/allow) followed by the verb in the infinitive form. For example:
- Familiar command (tú): "Deja de hacer eso" (Stop doing that)

5. "Llegar temprano" (to arrive early):
Since "llegar temprano" is a phrase and not a single verb, you will use the familiar command forms of the verb "llegar" (to arrive). The phrase remains the same.
- Familiar command (tú): "Llega temprano" (Arrive early)

Remember that in familiar commands, the verbs might have irregular conjugations. It is important to consult a verb conjugation resource or dictionary to ensure you are using the proper form.