Select the boxes in the table to show whether each country has an autocratic or a democratic form of government today.

What i chose
China = Autocratic
Japan = Democratic
Mongolia = Autocratic
Taiwan = demcratic

the correct answer is

china = autocratic
japan = democratic
mongolia = democratic
taiwan = democratic

Were your answers correct? I really need to know! Thank you.

Why is Charles downvoted? Their answers are correct!

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A republic is a form of government in which the power is held by the people or their elected representatives. It is characterized by the absence of a monarch or a hereditary aristocracy. In a republic, the citizens have the right to vote and choose their own leaders, and the government is bound by a constitution or a set of laws that limits its power and protects the rights of the citizens. The United States, France, India, and Brazil are examples of republics.

To determine whether each country has an autocratic or democratic form of government today, you need to gather information on the political systems of each country. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. China: You can research China's political system to determine if it is autocratic or democratic. Look for information on the structure of the Chinese government, the role of the ruling party, elections, and individual freedoms. Based on your research, you can determine if China is autocratic or democratic.

2. Japan: Similarly, research Japan's political system to determine its form of government. Look for information on the structure of the Japanese government, the presence of multiple political parties, the level of citizen participation, and the protection of civil liberties. Based on your findings, determine if Japan is autocratic or democratic.

3. Mongolia: Research Mongolia's political system and gather information on its government structure, political parties, elections, and individual rights. Analyze your findings to determine whether Mongolia is autocratic or democratic.

4. Taiwan: Research Taiwan's political system to understand its form of government. Look for information on the governance structure, political parties, electoral processes, and civil liberties. Based on your research, decide if Taiwan is autocratic or democratic.

Based on your choices:

- China: Autocratic
- Japan: Democratic
- Mongolia: Autocratic
- Taiwan: Democratic

Please note that political systems can be complex and may evolve over time, so it's essential to consider up-to-date sources for accurate information.


China = Autocratic

Japan = Democratic
Mongolia = Democratic
Taiwan = Democratic