How does paragraph 7 contribute to the development of ideas in the article in the Commonlit Article Herd Behavior?

Paragraph 7: Some historians believe that Adolf Hitler purposefully took advantage of herd behavior psychology by planting a significant number of undercover German officers in the crowds at his speeches. These officers would enthusiastically cheer for Hitler, and the rest of the crowd followed suit, making it seem as if the entire crowd supported Hitler. These speeches would then be broadcast to a larger public audience, magnifying the effect.

singing challenge! fly me to the moooooooooon

Paragraph 7 contributes to the development of ideas in the article by providing an example of how herd behavior psychology was potentially used by Adolf Hitler to manipulate public perception of support for his regime. To understand how paragraph 7 contributes to the development of ideas in the article, we need to first identify the main ideas discussed in the article.

To find the main ideas of the article, we can start by reading the introduction and the topic sentences of each paragraph. The introduction usually provides a general overview of the topic, while the topic sentences of each paragraph summarize the main point of that paragraph.

After identifying the main ideas, we can analyze how paragraph 7 specifically relates to and supports those ideas. In this case, paragraph 7 discusses the historical context of Adolf Hitler and how he potentially took advantage of herd behavior psychology. This example illustrates how herd behavior can be utilized to create a false impression of widespread support.

By including this example, the paragraph reinforces the idea that herd behavior psychology can be influential and impactful in shaping public opinion. It demonstrates the potential manipulative power of herd behavior and highlights the significance of understanding this phenomenon.

Therefore, paragraph 7 contributes to the development of ideas in the article by providing a concrete illustration of how herd behavior psychology was potentially employed by Adolf Hitler, enhancing the reader's understanding of the topic and its implications.

yeah yeah yeah
