Which of the following contributed most to the completion of the overland Silk Routes?

To determine which of the following contributed most to the completion of the overland Silk Routes, we need to consider the factors that were essential for their development and functioning. The overland Silk Routes were ancient trading routes that connected various regions of Asia, Africa, and Europe, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures. Here are a few factors that played key roles in completing these routes:

1. Central Asian nomadic tribes: The nomadic tribes, such as the Xiongnu, Yuezhi, and later the Turkic and Mongolian tribes, played a significant role in the completion of the Silk Routes. These tribes controlled large stretches of the routes and provided security and protection to the traders, merchants, and caravans that traveled along the Silk Routes.

2. Physical geography: The presence of a favorable physical geography facilitated the completion of the Silk Routes. These routes passed through vast plains, mountain ranges, desert regions, and river valleys. The geography allowed traders to navigate and establish networks across these terrains.

3. Cooperation between empires and kingdoms: The completion of the Silk Routes required cooperation between different empires and kingdoms that controlled various segments of these routes. Major ancient powers, such as the Han Dynasty of China, the Parthian Empire, and later the Byzantine Empire, played significant roles in fostering trade and ensuring the safety of the traders along the Silk Routes.

4. Technological advancements: Technological innovations, particularly in transportation and navigation, greatly contributed to the completion of the Silk Routes. The development of reliable camel caravans, improved saddles, the invention of the horse collar, and the introduction of the compass and other navigational tools were all crucial in facilitating trade and travel along these routes.

Considering these factors, it is challenging to determine which single factor contributed the most to the completion of the overland Silk Routes. The interplay of various factors, including the presence of central Asian nomadic tribes, favorable geography, empire cooperation, and technological advancements, collectively played pivotal roles in establishing and maintaining the Silk Routes.

What following?