Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions-it only guarantees equality of opportunity."-Irving Kristol

What did the author mean by this statement?

Everyone is equal in a democracy.

Socialism is better than a democracy.

In a democracy, everyone has an equal chance to succeed.

Government leaders should guarantee that everyone has equal conditions.

I think its D am I right?

Its c, since for a, people are still judged in certain ways and everyone has different opinions about that, and b is more of an opinion or biased, and for d, what the other guy said about the government not being able to guarantee much with so many people in the U.S. and finally for c, well it seems better than the other options

Not D. With over 328,000,000 people in the country, how can the government guarantee anything?

So c?

Yes, C.

Yes, you are correct. The statement by Irving Kristol, "Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions-it only guarantees equality of opportunity," means that in a democracy, everyone has an equal chance to succeed, but it does not ensure that everyone will have the same socioeconomic status or living conditions. In other words, democracy provides equal opportunities for people to explore and pursue their goals, but it does not guarantee that everyone will achieve equal outcomes in terms of wealth, resources, or social status. Therefore, option D, "Government leaders should guarantee that everyone has equal conditions," is not accurate because, according to Kristol's statement, democracy does not impose such a guarantee.