Trisha can buy bottles of water in packages of 6 for $16.50 or in packages of 4 for $11.40. How much money does she save by buying 24 bottles of water at the better price?

(4 * 16.50) - (6 * 11.40)

16.50/6 * 24 = $66.00

11.40/4 * 24 = $68.40.

68.40 - 66.00 = $__ = Amt. saved.

oops ... got it backwards

To find out how much money Trisha saves by buying 24 bottles of water at the better price, we first need to determine the cost per bottle for each package.

For the package of 6 bottles at $16.50, we divide the total cost by the number of bottles:
Cost per bottle = $16.50 / 6 bottles = $2.75 per bottle

For the package of 4 bottles at $11.40, we follow the same process:
Cost per bottle = $11.40 / 4 bottles = $2.85 per bottle

Now we can compare the cost per bottle between the two packages. Trisha saves money by buying the package with the lower cost per bottle. In this case, the package of 6 bottles has a lower cost per bottle of $2.75, while the package of 4 bottles has a cost per bottle of $2.85.

Now, let's calculate the cost of buying 24 bottles at the better price. Since each package of 6 bottles costs $2.75 per bottle, buying 24 bottles at this price would cost:
Cost of 24 bottles = $2.75 * 24 = $66.00

If Trisha were to buy 24 bottles at the other price, it would cost her $2.85 per bottle:
Cost of 24 bottles = $2.85 * 24 = $68.40

To find out how much money she saves, we subtract the cost at the better price from the cost at the other price:
Savings = Cost at other price - Cost at better price
Savings = $68.40 - $66.00 = $2.40

Therefore, Trisha saves $2.40 by buying 24 bottles of water at the better price.