Which of the following characteristics are true for both plants' and animals' reproduction?

alternation of generation

They carry hereditary material from parent.

characterized by sexual reproduction

The offspring looks identical to its parents.

I think its b

I agree with you.

You are correct. the characteristic "They carry hereditary material from parent" is true for both plants and animals.

To arrive at the answer, we can analyze each of the characteristics listed:

A. Alternation of generation - This characteristic is not true for both plants and animals. Alternation of generation refers to a life cycle where an organism alternates between a multicellular diploid (sporophyte) and multicellular haploid (gametophyte) stage. While this is found in some plants, such as ferns and mosses, it is not a characteristic of animal reproduction.

B. They carry hereditary material from parent - This characteristic is true for both plants and animals. Both plants and animals carry hereditary material, such as genes, from their parents. This is accomplished through the transfer of genetic material via gametes (sperm and eggs) during sexual reproduction or through asexual reproduction methods like budding or vegetative propagation.

C. Characterized by sexual reproduction - This characteristic is true for both plants and animals. Both plants and animals have the ability to reproduce sexually, where two parents contribute genetic material to create offspring. Sexual reproduction generally involves the fusion of gametes and the mixing of genetic material from both parents.

D. The offspring looks identical to its parents - This characteristic is not true for both plants and animals. While in some cases offspring may resemble their parents, it is not a universal characteristic. Offspring may display variations from their parents due to genetic recombination during sexual reproduction or mutations in their DNA.

Therefore, after analyzing all the characteristics, the correct option is B. They carry hereditary material from parent, as it is a characteristic shared by both plants and animals.