Which event led to King John I signing the Magna Carta?

The pope and the king disagreed about how the country should be ruled.
The king wanted to invade France and be crowned as its rightful ruler.
The English nobles rebelled.
The imprisonment of Robert Godbeard angered the citizens.

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The correct answer is: The English nobles rebelled.

To understand how this event led to King John I signing the Magna Carta, we need to delve into some historical context. Let me explain:

King John I, also known as King John Lackland, ruled England from 1199 to 1216. During his reign, he faced various political and military challenges, which contributed to the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215.

One of the significant disputes during King John's reign was his oppressive rule and the abuse of his power. This created discontent among the English nobility, who felt their rights and privileges were being disregarded. The nobles became increasingly frustrated with the king's authoritarianism and determined to protect their interests.

In response to their grievances, a group of rebellious barons joined forces and formed a coalition against King John. In 1215, they marched on London, capturing important strategic locations and forcing the king to negotiate.

The nobles presented King John with a document known as the Articles of the Barons, which outlined their demands for reform and addressed issues such as taxation, feudal rights, and the administration of justice. This document later became the basis for the Magna Carta.

Recognizing the strength of the rebellion and fearing the consequences of continued opposition, King John reluctantly agreed to sign the Magna Carta on June 15, 1215. This historic document established a set of rights and principles that limited the monarch's power and protected the rights of the nobility. It aimed to prevent future abuses of authority and ensure fair treatment for all English subjects.

In summary, it was the rebellion of the English nobles against King John's oppressive rule that led to his signing of the Magna Carta. This event marked an important milestone in the development of English constitutional law and the principles of individual rights and liberties.
