I just need help set up

Lisa and april share their own set of cards. Lisa has 12 times as many as maria has, april has twice as many as jim has.can you write an expression and solve to know how many each has when
Maria expression is "x"
And jim 6x

So from here what do i do

12x =12x

Maria: x

Lisa: 12x
Jim: 6x
April: 2*6x = 12x

These numbers don't add up very well. How do you know Jim has 6x cards?

To set up the problem, we can define the number of cards each person has with variables:

Let's say Maria's number of cards is represented by "x."
And Jim's number of cards is represented by "6x."

According to the given information:
- Lisa has 12 times as many cards as Maria has, so Lisa's number of cards would be represented by "12x."
- April has twice as many cards as Jim has, so April's number of cards would be represented by "2(6x)" or "12x."

Now, let's write the expression to represent the total number of cards:

Total number of cards = Maria's cards + Jim's cards + Lisa's cards + April's cards
Total number of cards = x + 6x + 12x + 12x

Simplifying the expression, we can combine like terms:
Total number of cards = 31x

To find the value of x, which represents Maria's number of cards, we need more information or a specific value.