Which of these would be an example of lacquerware?

a painted box with a protective coating

The answer is A. 100%

yes 100%% right

what about connxus?

it is A. a painted box with a protective coating in Connexus

To determine which of the options would be an example of lacquerware, we first need to understand what lacquerware is. Lacquerware is a type of decorative art that involves the application of several layers of natural or synthetic lacquer onto an object, usually made of wood, to create a glossy and durable finish. It is commonly associated with Asian cultures, particularly in countries like Japan, China, and Korea.

Now, let's look at the options you have provided and determine which one fits the definition of lacquerware:

1. Ceramic vase: Ceramics are typically made from clay and fired in a kiln. While ceramics can be decorated with various techniques, applying lacquer is not a common method for decorating ceramic objects. Therefore, a ceramic vase would not be an example of lacquerware.

2. Wooden bowl with a glossy finish: Wood is a common material used in lacquerware, as the layers of lacquer are applied to give it a glossy and protective coating. If the wooden bowl you mentioned has a glossy finish achieved by the application of lacquer layers, then it could be considered an example of lacquerware.

3. Glass figurine: Glass art involves techniques like blowing, molding, and sculpting, but lacquering is not typically used to decorate glass objects. Therefore, a glass figurine would not be an example of lacquerware.

4. Metal plate with intricate patterns: While lacquer can be used to decorate metal objects, it is not as commonly associated with metalware as it is with wood. However, if the metal plate has intricate patterns achieved by the application of lacquer, it could be considered an example of lacquerware.

In summary, based on the information provided, the wooden bowl with a glossy finish would likely be the example of lacquerware among the options given.

hi i cali