Identify the mapping diagram that represents the given relation and determine whether the relation is a function.

{(–3, –6), (–1, –6), (5, –6), (8, –6)}

The mapping diagram for the given relation {(–3, –6), (–1, –6), (5, –6), (8, –6)} would look like this:

-3 --> -6
-1 --> -6
5 --> -6
8 --> -6

To determine whether the relation is a function, we need to check if each input (x value) is associated with exactly one output (y value). In this case, for every x value, the y value is -6. Therefore, the relation is a function since each input is associated with only one output.

To identify the mapping diagram that represents the given relation and determine whether the relation is a function, we need to analyze the set of ordered pairs provided.

First, let's plot the points on a graph to visualize the relation:

Points: (–3, –6), (–1, –6), (5, –6), (8, –6)

On the graph, we have the x-values (-3, -1, 5, 8) on the horizontal axis, and the y-values (-6) on the vertical axis. We connect the points on the graph using lines or dots.

Mapping Diagram:

We can create a mapping diagram by simply listing the x-values and their corresponding y-values.

x | y
-3 | -6
-1 | -6
5 | -6
8 | -6

From the mapping diagram, we can see that each x-value is associated with the same y-value (-6).

Now, to determine if the relation is a function, we need to check if each x-value has a unique corresponding y-value. If multiple x-values have the same y-value, it is not a function.

In this case, all the x-values (-3, -1, 5, 8) have the same y-value (-6). Since each x-value has a unique corresponding y-value, the relation is a function.

Therefore, the mapping diagram that represents the given relation is:

x | y
-3 | -6
-1 | -6
5 | -6
8 | -6

And the relation is a function.

Did you plot you points?

What did you notice?

Does your graph satisfy the definition of a function?