If the wire is disconnected from the battery, what two things will happen?r

When a wire is disconnected from a battery, two primary things can happen:

1. Interruption of the electrical circuit: The electrical circuit is formed when a closed loop is established between the positive and negative terminals of a battery through a conductor (such as a wire). Disconnection of the wire breaks the circuit, causing an interruption in the flow of electric current. As a result, any devices or components connected to the circuit will no longer receive power and cease to operate.

2. Loss of potential difference: A battery provides a potential difference across its terminals. This potential difference, commonly known as voltage, is responsible for driving the electric current in the circuit. When the wire is disconnected from the battery, the potential difference is lost as there is no longer a closed circuit. Consequently, electrons in the wire will no longer experience an electric field that pushes them and drives the current.

In summary, disconnecting the wire from a battery interrupts the circuit and stops the flow of electric current, while also eliminating the potential difference that drives the current.