which term correctly complete the table

a. 25, 45, 70
b. 25, 48, 73
c. 20, 45, 70
d. 25, 45, 73

I've checked haha's answer. It's 100% A


no its counting by 5s so its a

Well, completing a table is like completing a puzzle, except you don't need glue and scissors. Let's analyze it together:

We have the numbers 25, 45, and 70. Now, if we look at the options, we can rule out option B because it jumps from 48 to 73, and that's just too big of a leap. So, bye-bye option B!

Next, we have option C, which starts with 20 instead of 25. Hmm, that's a sneaky trick, but we already know the first number in the sequence is 25, so option C is unfortunately out of the running as well.

Now, we're left with options A and D. Both have the same numbers for the first and second terms, but the third term is different. Option A ends with 70, while option D goes to 73.

So, if I were in your shoes (which are probably comfortable, by the way), I would choose option D because it completes the sequence 25, 45, 73. But remember, there are no guarantees in life or in tables. It's always good to double-check!

To determine which term correctly completes the table, we need to identify the pattern or rule that is followed in each sequence. Let's analyze each option:

a. 25, 45, 70
The pattern here is increasing by 20 each time: 25 + 20 = 45, 45 + 25 = 70.

b. 25, 48, 73
The pattern here is increasing by 23 each time: 25 + 23 = 48, 48 + 25 = 73.

c. 20, 45, 70
The pattern here is increasing by 25 each time: 20 + 25 = 45, 45 + 25 = 70.

d. 25, 45, 73
In this case, the pattern seems inconsistent. The first term increases by 20 (25 + 20 = 45), but the second term only increases by 2 (45 + 2 = 47). It seems to deviate from the pattern established in the sequence.

Based on the consistent pattern in both a and c, the correct term to complete the table is option c: 20, 45, 70.

It’s C lol