10. Which of the following correctly describes a gamma ray?

A. long wavelength and low frequency
B. long wavelength and high frequency
C. short wavelength in low frecuency
D. short wavelength and high frequency

11. Which of the following is true about all electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?
A. They all carry the same energy.
B. They all travle at the same speed
C. they all have the same frequency
D. they all have the same wavelength

13. FM signals travel as changes in
A. speed of the wave
B. the amplitude of the wave
C. the frequency
D. loudness of the wave
-The frequency?????-

14. What is the principle role of a tower within a cellur system?
A. To track data usage
B. transmit sygnals
C. pinpoint locations
D. to reduce line noise

What do you think?

10. B

11. I have no clue
13. B or C
14. B

NO ! short wavelengths are high frequency !!!!

distance = speed * time
time period = 1/f
wavelength = speed / frequency
speed of light is about 3*10^8 around here
wavelength = 3*10^8 / frequency
so Short wavelength is HIGH frequency !!~

11. I already told you c = 3*10^8 m/s

10. To determine the correct answer for the description of a gamma ray, you would need to understand the properties of electromagnetic waves.

Gamma rays are a type of electromagnetic wave within the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum consists of various types of waves, including radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

To identify the correct description for a gamma ray, you can examine the properties of the electromagnetic spectrum. It's important to note that the properties of electromagnetic waves are related to their wavelength and frequency.

Wavelength refers to the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of a wave, while frequency represents the number of waves that pass a point in a given time.

Since gamma rays belong to the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum, they have a short wavelength and a high frequency. Therefore, the correct answer is option D: short wavelength and high frequency.

11. To determine the true statement about all electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, you need to consider the fundamental characteristics of electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic waves consist of electric and magnetic fields oscillating perpendicular to each other and propagating through space. These waves do not require any physical medium to travel, thus they can propagate in a vacuum, such as outer space.

When it comes to the properties of electromagnetic waves, they can differ in terms of wavelength, frequency, and energy. Therefore, to identify the true statement about all electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, you can examine the common properties shared by all electromagnetic waves.

Among the given options, the true statement is option B: They all travel at the same speed. In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, denoted by "c," which is approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second.

13. To determine the changes in FM signals, you need to understand how FM (Frequency Modulation) works.

FM is a method of modulating a carrier wave by varying its frequency in accordance with the amplitude of the input signal. This modulation technique allows for the encoding and transmission of information through changes in frequency.

When it comes to changes in FM signals, the relevant parameter that is altered is the frequency. As the amplitude of the input signal varies, the frequency of the carrier wave is modified accordingly. Therefore, the correct answer is option C: the frequency.

14. To understand the principle role of a tower within a cellular system, you need to be familiar with the basic functioning of cellular networks.

Cellular systems operate using a network of interconnected base stations or towers. These towers are strategically placed to provide coverage in specific geographic areas and facilitate mobile communication.

The primary role of a tower within a cellular system is to transmit signals. The tower acts as a relay station, receiving incoming signals from mobile devices and transmitting them to other base stations or the core network. It also receives signals from the core network and transmits them to the mobile devices within its coverage area.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B: transmit signals. The tower's main function is to facilitate communication by transmitting signals between mobile devices and the network infrastructure.