A football team has a net yardage of −32 1/3 yards on a series of plays. The team needs a net yardage of 30 yards to get a first down. How many yards do they have to get on their next play to get a first down?

how much to first down?

C0rrection: -32 1/3 + x = 30

-97/3 + x = 30
x =

-32 + x = 30.

x =

To determine how many yards the team needs to get on their next play to get a first down, we need to find the difference between the desired net yardage for a first down and the current net yardage.

Step 1: Convert the mixed number, -32 1/3 yards, to an improper fraction.
-32 1/3 = -32 + 1/3 = -96/3 + 1/3 = -95/3 yards.

Step 2: Find the difference between the desired net yardage for a first down (30 yards) and the current net yardage (-95/3 yards).
30 yards - (-95/3) yards = 30 yards + 95/3 yards.

Step 3: Convert the mixed number result to a simplified fraction.
30 yards + 95/3 yards = 90/3 yards + 95/3 yards = 185/3 yards.

Therefore, the team needs to gain 185/3 yards on their next play to get a first down.
